Tips for Checking Car Oil

There are many steps you need to take to keep your car running well, and one of the most crucial things to check is the oil. You probably already know that it is important to have the oil changed regularly, but you might not even think twice about it in between scheduled maintenance. However, periodically checking the oil can help you spot issues early, which may save you loads of money on repairs in the long run. 

To check the oil, grab some paper towels or a rag, and make sure the engine is cooled down before popping the hood and locating the oil dipstick. It is usually toward the front of the car and will have a yellow handle. Pull it out and wipe it clean with your rag, and then insert it all the way back in before pulling it out again. This time, check the end of the dipstick. You are looking to see if the fluid level reaches the fill line indicator. If it is low, add more and check the level again in a few days – a significant drop could point to a leak in the system. Also check the color and consistency of the oil. Dark brown to black coloration means it’s time to change the oil, even if you haven’t reached the next scheduled change. Debris in the fluid could point to a leak, as well.

Whether it is time for your regular oil change or you suspect there could be a leak, you can bring your car to the experts at New Jersey Auto Auction‘s Total Car Care Center. They can take care of any routine maintenance and repair needs you may have, even if you didn’t buy your car at NJ Auto Auction, since the garage is open to the public.