Summer thefts could be prevented when owners of used cars in New Jersey take precautions

As the summer sun heats up the road, drivers of used cars in New Jersey may want to keep the windows rolled down to keep their vehicles cooler.

The Help Eliminate Auto Thefts Task Force says motorists should be wary, however, because warmer months mean thieves are more likely to take advantage of such behaviors.

July is National Auto Theft Prevention Month, and owners of used cars in New Jersey can take some extra precautions to ensure that their investment is less likely to be taken.

Items like iPods, cell phones and GPS devices may help drivers navigate the roads more easily, but they could also be tempting to thieves who may break into a vehicle if they see them. HEAT director Terri Miller says to keep valuables and electronics in glove compartments or the center console to keep from enticing felons.

“While warm weather brings fun outdoor activities with friends and family, it also brings out thieves looking to steal vehicles and exposed property while you are preoccupied,” she added. “Keep belongings out of sight and never leave your keys in the car, even if you are running a quick errand.”