Buyers may want to take government’s tack and buy used cars in New York

Consumers who are considering buying a vehicle may want to take a page from some local police agencies and buy used cars in New York or other states to manage financial constraints.

In Colbert County, the “new” sheriff’s deputy cruisers will be used models bought on auction from state surplus, saving up to 66 percent of the price of a new vehicle, reported NBC affiliate WAFF.

The reason? County freeholders and police administrators told the news provider that the low cost of the low-mileage used Chevrolet Impalas and other vehicles helps them find more room in the budget to replaces cruisers that are often driven until they reach 200,000 miles or more.

Buyers who are looking to justify costs on a full-size sedan may find that the 2005 model of the Chevrolet Impala could fit their needs.

As can be appreciated by police or anyone looking to have easy access, used Chevrolet Impalas in New York have larger doors to make it easier for passengers to enter and exit with enough room to seat six, according to