When Is It Time To Move On From A Used Car?

Once you've invested money into a used car and begin driving it every day, it's easy to get attached. But when the miles add up and standard maintenance issues start getting costly, it may be time to think about moving on from the comfort of an old vehicle and purchasing one that has more of a future. This isn't an easy decision to make. However, it's one that is often necessary for safety and practical reasons. 

When to end the relationship
So you've been driving the same car for years and years, and you have a feeling it's nearing the end of its life. How can you be sure? There's no foolproof way know when a car has reached the end – unless it's dead in your driveway, of course – so you'll have to use your best judgment. 

Start by researching the average depreciation and resale value of your ride. Finding out how much your car is currently worth is the first step toward realizing if you're spending too much on fuel, repairs, insurance and other expenses. Most cars hold value until they near the 200,000-mile mark, but collisions and similar problems over the course of a vehicle's life can decrease this number. 

Be sure to take a clear look at what maintenance is costing you. If you're spending hundreds of dollars on quick-fix repairs to keep the car on the road, you may be wasting money. In fact, those funds could be better spent as a down payment on another ride that will last you much longer than what's currently in your driveway. 

Moving on with used cars
When you've finally come to terms with the fact that it's time to upgrade your ride, it's important to turn to the right place for help. At New Jersey State Auto Auction, you can browse through hundreds of Carfax-certified used cars, trucks and vans, allowing you to find the right replacement at an affordable price. With many options for financing as well, it's easy to get behind the wheel of the vehicle you want quickly and affordably. 

Whether you want to take your time with the car-buying process or are eager to get back on the road, you can find the right course of action at NJ State Auto. Let our team of professionals help you select a high-quality used car.