Used car prices on the way down

If motorists are looking to purchase a used car, now may be the time to start the search. USA Today reports that after spending much of the year on the rise, prices of used cars are likely set to start sliding back down.

The cause for the dip in costs is likely due to the fact that gas prices are starting to come back down after reaching especially high levels. If gas prices continue to drop or stay where they are Kelly Blue Book believes used car prices will fall by around 5 percent by the end of the summer. With that in mind, industry insiders suggest waiting a few months to make purchases.

"Our advice to dealers and consumers is to shop with caution today, since values are likely to fall through the early part of summer," said Alec Gutierrez, manager of vehicle valuation for Kelley Blue Book, told the news source "If possible, it would be best to hold off on purchasing a fuel-efficient vehicle until after summer, when values should be more stable."

To find the best deals on pre-owned vehicles, drivers will want to look to New Jersey Auto Auction, which offers numerous makes and models at affordable prices.