Toyota expects sales dip in wake of Japanese earthquake

Toyota recently announced grim expectations for its annual sales report, but with the potential for a silver lining. Hurt by the production stalls caused by the Japanese earthquake, Toyota expects sales to drop 31 percent from the year before, but according to The New York Times, the company also believes it will enjoy a quick recovery.

Despite the fact that many of Toyota's plants have been slowed by the earthquake and its aftermath, its officials maintain that they should be up and running at full speed by November at the latest. Although they are optimistic for the future, the news source reports that they will likely be passed as the world's largest automaker by General Motors and Volkswagen. Still, that's not something that's too important to the company.

"We don’t see it as necessary to be the largest automaker in the world," Satoshi Ozawa, Toyota’s executive vice president, told the news outlet.

While it might be in the middle of sales slump, there's no denying Toyota has been among the most popular manufactures in recent memory. Drivers looking to get into a reliable model, whether it be the Corolla or Camry may want to look to New Jersey Auto Auction for their automotive needs.