The right choices can cut gas costs by 45 percent

Eco-friendly cars are certainly the pinnacle of fuel-efficiency, but new research suggests that motorists don't have to be driving one to save a significant amount of money on gas. Scientists from the University of Michigan say simply making the right decisions can save consumers as much as 45 percent, USA Today reports.

Strategic choices such as keeping tires properly inflated and using the correct oil can go a long way, and experts say that many people ignore these easy-to-perform tasks.

Simple tactical choices can save money on gas as well. In particular, experts say that planning out routes ahead of time, such as the flattest course or one with the lightest traffic flow can increase gas mileage by as much as 40 percent, the publication reports.

Finally, the way a person drives their car can have a significant impact as well. Everything from using cruise control on the highway to being less aggressive on the road will lower costs.

"Following the remaining good eco-driving practices can still lead to a major reduction in on-road fuel economy," researcher Michael Sivak told the news source.

Drivers looking to downsize their car to save money may want to look to New Jersey Auto Auction, which offers many fuel-efficient cars at affordable prices.