Study: Majority of Gen Y prefer hybrids

Hybrid cars and electric vehicles have long been seen as the future, and that may prove to be the case if Generation Y has anything to say about it. A recent study conducted by Deloitte found that 59 percent of Gen Y respondents would prefer an electric vehicle over a traditional car, while 57 percent said the same about a hybrid car.

The survey polled 1,500 people from different populations including baby boomers and members of Generation X. However, it was Gen Y, the group of people born between 1977 and 1990 that were the most likely to turn to an alternative fuel source. Analysts say that their findings could mean big things because the generation comprises one of the largest groups of auto buyers in the country.

"Gen Y consumers also view hybrid technology as proven and reliable," said Craig Giffi, vice chairman and automotive practice leader at Deloitte. "Almost six in 10 Gen Y respondents prefer a hybrid over any other type of vehicle, while a mere two in 100 prefer a pure battery electric vehicle – demonstrating that Gen Y is familiar and comfortable with hybrid technology, but not so much with battery-only technology."

The study found some interesting tidbits regarding how Gen Y feels about the interior features of cars as well. Connectivity proved to be important, with 72 percent saying they would like smartphone applications, while 73 percent would like a car with a touch screen interface.

While hybrid vehicles dominating the market may still be a few years off, members of Gen Y looking for a reliable used car should head to New Jersey State Auto Auction. With a wide variety of makes and models, all at affordable prices, shoppers will certainly be able to find a car that suits their needs.