Stay Safe While Driving With Pets

Taking a road trip can be a great experience, especially if you get to share it with someone close to you. Occasionally, these friends can be of the canine variety, and getting behind the wheel with your pet in tow can lead to  an adventure of a lifetime. 

NBC News reports that pets can play a major role in distracted driving, which contributes to accidents and poor decision making on the roads. Pets in the car can interfere with the actual driving of the car, as well as sight lines and general focus, but that doesn't have to deter people from taking trips with their animal companions. As long as motorists follow a few guidelines for safety, they should be able to enjoy fantastic road trips with their pets. 

Keeping an emergency pet kit in the car with items such as extra water, treats, towels and waste bags, is essential. You never know when your schedule will get derailed by traffic or a different kind of surprising situation, so having some key supplies on hand can go a long way in keeping you and your pet healthy, happy and safe. 

Similarly, getting pets used to riding in the car – and staying in the backseat whenever possible – can make the process safer. Working up to longer road trips is a must, so it's important to take the time to get them acclimated to a vehicle and to make sure the car is in a condition to handle the pet. 

To properly prep your vehicle for a road trip – with or without your beloved pet – bring it in for a tune up at the Total Car Care Center at New Jersey State Auto Auction. There technicians can look at all aspects of the car and make sure you're ready to hit the road with any kind of companion.