Spring Cleaning Tips For Keeping Your Car Clean

Spring is finally here, but don't put away that mop and bucket just yet. Your spring cleaning efforts aren't over until you've given your car the traditional seasonal TLC as well. Let's face it – you certainly weren't scrubbing and waxing it weekly in the dead of winter, and who can blame you? But now that the snow is gone and the mercury is rising, it's time to snap on your gloves and give your car a thorough spring cleaning.

Cleaning it up
After a long harsh winter like this last one, your car can look like you drove it through a war zone. Salt, sand and a host of other wintertime detritus can make your car look grimy and old. Giving your ride an extensive car wash doesn't just make you feel better about how your car looks, it's also good for its performance. Road salt and much of the buildup you've accumulated throughout the winter months is corrosive, and can actually contribute to the rusting of your car's frame.

While you're on a cleaning kick, it's important to give the inside of your car as much love as the outside. Popular Mechanics outlined a battery of interior cleaning jobs, from vacuuming your car from top to bottom and scrubbing the upholstery to treating leather seats and washing floor mats. Of course, we know you like to measure the winter based on how many empty coffee cups accumulate in your back seat, but it's time to clean out the trash and finally get rid of those as well.

Keeping it running
Spring cleaning means taking care of more than just the cosmetic things. Changing temperatures as the weather warms up can affect road conditions. The Tire Rack reported that you can expect a change of approximately one psi for every 10 degree change in temperature, so be sure to be vigilant in checking the air pressure as well as your tires' treads. Speaking of tires, if you're sporting a set of snow tires for the colder months you'll want to swap those out for all-weather tires. Snow tires tend to have softer rubber and deeper treads, according to Popular Mechanics, and you can actually cause damage to them if not removed for the summer.

If you need a hand in getting your car checked out for spring, make an appointment with the NJ State Auto Auction's Total Car Care Center. The talented and knowledgeable staff are on hand to answer any questions you have, as well as help you address any maintenance concerns so your car stays in top shape.