Personal finance advisers recommend used cars in New Jersey

The investors at the Motley Fool generally focus on stock tips, but in a recent personal finance article, they recommend that visitors consider used cars in New Jersey to save money.

They say that because cars tend to depreciate in value by about 30 percent over the first several years, buying a new car can lose a buyer money almost as soon as it’s driven off the dealer’s lot.

“Survey after survey shows that the best current cars provide longer, more dependable service than ever before,” adds the report, noting that some domestic cars from General Motors and Ford have recently caught up with offerings from Japanese automakers in terms of build quality.

But buyers who are considering used cars in New Jersey because of their value may want to start researching sooner rather than later.

Residents of New York and New Jersey are being driven to dealerships because of the Cash for Clunkers program, and choosing used cars if their previous vehicles don’t qualify for the rebate, reported the Wall Street Journal.