Online calculator may help used car buyers

For those who are looking to buy used cars, or make other big ticket purchases, an online calculator may help those looking to make purchases understand how long it will take to finish paying off their choices.

The Time is Money Calculator allows buyers to input their annual salary, and the likely purchase price of an item in order to gauge how many weeks it will take to make enough money to pay it off.

“A price tag that reads ’44 hours of your time’ instead of ‘$500’ drives home what that purchase means to you,” says CEO Raj Khera. “The Time is Money Calculator helps you decide if it is really worth your time and money.”

The tool also incorporates federal and average state tax information to give people a better understanding of how much of their take-home pay would be used to pay off purchases such as a used car.

Since used car loans may require a loan with an interest rate up to 7 percent, according to a MyFox Tampa report, a calculator such as this may help buyers figure out what price point best fits their budget.

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