Not everyone finds a winning lottery ticket, but car cleaning may save money

It may not seem like it, but simply cleaning out one’s car can help improve the fuel mileage, according to a report from the Congressional Budget Office that found that the heavier the vehicle is, the less fuel efficient it will be.

Used car owners could even luck out like a man from Portland, Oregon did, who cleaned out his glove box and found a lottery ticket worth $2.6 million, according to a KGW report, more than four months after the original drawing.

While windfalls like that may be rare, reducing the weight of a vehicle by 100 pounds could net fuel economy benefits of around 2 percent according to figures from Shell Canada.

They recommend taking out anything unnecessary from the backseat or trunk, including winter items such as tire chains or other gear that can weight a car down.

One man in Germany recently found out how costly it can be to not keep track of what’s on one’s backseat.

He was test driving a convertible and roughly $4,000 in bills blew away from an open envelope he had left on the backseat, according to a report from The Local.

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