New Jersey Drivers Are Angry, Study Shows

There's an unfortunate stereotype that people from New York and New Jersey have a bit of an attitude. While we won't stipulate about any kernel of truth behind these rumors, one organization decided to see if the dramatic edge extended to the roads. 

Drivers see road rage all the time
Plymouth Rock Assurance recently conducted a study that examined instances of road rage in New Jersey. According to the data, a whopping 99 percent of drivers throughout the state have witnessed at least one incidence of road rage. In most cases, the anger manifested itself in the form of honking horns, but swearing, making obscene gestures and flashing headlights were also common, with more than half of respondents reporting that they had seen these behaviors. 

Only 11 percent of people had ever seen drivers physically engage with each other, while about 35 percent stated they had witnessed some kind of "uncontrollable anger." However, a large number of motorists said they saw other types of behavior that may ignite an angry reaction. For example, about 96 percent said they saw people disobeying posted speed limits on highways, 89 percent reported drivers changing lanes without using signals and 59 percent saw others use insulting gestures, according to the study. 

"Considering the legal and potentially fatal consequences of aggressive driving behavior, the frequency and types of actions reported in our latest study are unsettling," said Gerry Wilson, CEO of Plymouth Rock Management Company of New Jersey. "We also found that nearly half of New Jersey drivers are concerned about their safety on our roads – we want those drivers to know that they are not alone and that there are ways to deter and avoid road rage."

How to avoid an anger strike
Just because anger is so prevalent on the roads doesn't mean you have to fall victim to it. Plymouth Rock Assurance recommended avoiding eye contact with other drivers on the roads and breathing deeply to stay calm, even in stressful situations. 

You can also avoid infuriating scenarios by making sure your car can handle any and all circumstances. Getting headlights and taillights fixed, checking turn signals and ensuring that the vehicle can reach highway speed are all important tasks, and they also have an added bonus of helping other drivers as well. Schedule an appointment at NJ State Auto Auction's Total Car Care Center is you notice that some area of your car needs a little attention.