New Honda Element becomes even more dog friendly

With some added accessories, a Honda model just got a little more attractive to dogs.

The new Honda Element concept car, which was recently previewed at the New York Auto Show, includes various dog-friendly functions for owners who have a penchant for bringing their four-legged friends everywhere they go.

According to the New York Times, the new Dog Friendly vehicle included a mesh “dog containment system” in the cargo area, a collapsible entry ramp, a cooling fan, a spillproof water bowl and a rubber mat shaped in a dog-bone pattern.

“In an interesting turn of events, cars are now chasing dogs,” said John Mendel, executive vice president of American Honda, at the event.
The car will reportedly be on the market by the fall.

While the accessories may be new, past models of the Honda Elements have been a pet-friendly car, especially with its rubber floor mats that allows for owners to use a hose to wash away any unwanted pet hair in the car.

According to Bark Buckle UP, an organization devoted to pet travel safety, canine car-ridership has increased 300 percent since 2005.