New England, New York Differ on Cars as Well as Sports

Though they are separated by only a little more than 200 miles, New York and Boston could not be more different. Whether it comes to sports allegiances or personality, the fierce rivalry between the two cities is alive and well. That will certainly be on display this weekend as the New York Giants take on the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 46. It turns out that their differing opinions also extend to the road and car buying habits in each region vary greatly.

The lifestyle choices of the two regions are definitely reflected in which cars they choose. According to, New Englanders overwhelmingly chose small SUVs and other cars that value function over form. In fact, of the top 10 vehicles purchased in New England, four are SUVs. The findings make sense if you consider that New Englanders are more likely to prefer outdoor activities than their neighbors to the south.

As for New Yorkers, it's clear that they value luxury much more than New Englanders. The top 10 cars purchased by Empire State residents included mostly cars and only two SUVs, and luxury brands such as Mercedes, Acura and BMW are well represented.

While what kind of car each fan base prefers likely will not have an impact on what happens on Super Bowl Sunday, it certainly does say a bit about their driving habits. New York does have an edge on one thing, however – it's proximity to New Jersey State Auto Auction. The reliable dealer has a wide variety of makes and models, even those to suit the higher-end tastes of New Yorkers.