National Tire Safety Week shines spotlight on underinflated tires

Monday marked the beginning of National Tire Safety Week, which seeks to raise driver awareness of an important issue that may sometimes go overlooked. According to USA Today, underinflated tires can be a serious problem, one that has led to around 660 deaths and more than 33,000 injuries on the road each year.

Despite the danger, there are a number of ways for motorists to be sure that their tires are inflated the proper amount. Since many cars automatically monitor tire pressure, all drivers need to do is pay attention to what their vehicle is telling them. Along with inflation, drivers also should keep track of the tread life on their tires, which will help grip the road and also improve safety.

"Too many drivers fail to do one simple task every month that will reduce their safety risk and help our nation conserve valuable natural resources. Checking tire pressure takes just five minutes and it's worth every second," Rubber Manufacturers Association President Charles Cannon told the news source.

According to the Association, there are a number of other ways to maintain one's tires to ensure they are safe. For example, having a dealer check the alignment on a regular basis will ensure that the tires are in the right spots.