Memorial Day travel may be cheaper for prepared drivers

More drivers are expected to be on the road this Memorial Day weekend, an increase of roughly 500,000 over last year, according to a new survey.

Conducted by AAA, the total number of travelers could reach roughly 32.4 million, a number that is still lower than the 35 million who took to the road in 2007 before the economic downturn.

“The good news is sharply lower gasoline prices and plentiful travel bargains have Americans feeling better about taking a road trip this summer,” said Randy Williams, president, AAA Minnesota/Iowa.

For the safety of the driver and their families, considering that an estimated one-third of Memorial Day vacationers will be traveling with loved ones.

Checking on commonly ignored items like the battery may ensure that while the car may be slowed down by traffic, it won’t be stuck on the shoulder needing repairs.

Higher temperatures can mean that “the underhood battery can be 140 degrees,” said Gale Kimbaugh, Technical Services Manager with Interstate Batteries.

He recommends inspecting one’s car battery before long trips because “these temperatures can cause problems, especially for car batteries, which withstand extreme heat under the hood.”

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