Man drives onto frozen river, locks keys in car, car sinks

A Michigan man had a string of bad luck on Tuesday that ended with his 1994 Buick sinking into a frozen river near the U.S./Canadian border.

On Tuesday, an unnamed man went out looking for his dog when he drove onto the frozen Black River in Port Huron, Michigan. Because of extremely cold temperatures in the area, it is not uncommon for snowmobiles and cars to drive onto the river St. Clair County Sheriff’s Lieutenant Matt Paulus told the Detroit Free Press.

However, when the man got out of the car, he locked the keys inside with the car running. The heat from the running engine melted the ice below and the car eventually became submerged.

Paulus told the paper that it is not uncommon for police to have to fish a car out of the river in the winter months.

“We usually get a couple a year,” he said. “We already had two snowmobiles go in last week.”

To make matters even worse for the man, the car he was driving was not his own. According to police, the man was using a loaner car from a local collision shop as his car was being repaired.

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