How To Stay Safe Around Trucks

Drivers should know that they need to know how to handle themselves on the road at all times, but it becomes even more important when they are surrounded by large trucks. To convey just how essential this knowledge is, the American Trucking Association's professional drivers are participating in AAA Mid-Atlantic's IDrive program. The main aim of the initiative is to teach motorists about the importance of safety on the roads, particularly when driving alongside trucks or tractor-trailers. 

"Safety is the trucking industry's most important value," said ATA president and CEO Bill Graves. "We're always happy for events like IDrive which allow our professionals to reach out to the public – particularly young drivers – and convey that important safety message." 

Everyone who gets behind the wheel should keep these key tips in mind for driving among large trucks. 

Give them room
One of the most important things drivers need to do is leave enough space for bigger vehicles. Trucks and trailers are heavier than traditional cars and therefore require more time and space to stop. It also takes them longer to accelerate. To ensure that these vehicles have the room they need to maneuver on the roads, leave a safety cushion of space. You should also avoid cutting in front of trucks or making sudden stops when around them. 

Know their blind spots
Because trucks take up so much space, they have larger and different blind spots than typical vehicles. Keep in mind that if you can't see a driver or mirrors, then the driver probably doesn't see you either. By leaving plenty of space around trucks and using appropriate driving signals, you can guarantee that you're communicating with them effectively and providing them time to react. 

Focus at all times
There's no excuse for being distracted behind the wheel. A smart driver knows how to block out unnecessary noise to focus on the road ahead, but unfortunately, it's not always that easy. To eliminate some of the distractions, turn off or silence cellphones and other electronic devices. It also helps to square away some details before you start driving. Fix your mirrors, adjust the seat and choose a radio station prior to pulling out onto the road, which ensures you'll have fewer distractions when it matters. 

Ultimately, the best thing drivers can do is make sure that their car is safe enough to drive. Keep up with necessary maintenance by scheduling appointments at a local garage, such as the Total Car Care Center at New Jersey State Auto. That facility caters to the public and can help keep a vehicle running at a high level.