Gas prices may drop in light of markets’ struggles

The struggling economy has a lot of consumers worried, but there may be a silver lining for drivers. The New York Times reports that the falling price of crude oil will likely spell good news at the pump, and motorists could save significantly.

By the end of Monday, oil closed at around $81 a barrel, and analysts believe this could drop gas prices to a national average of about $3.25 per gallon – which is around 40 cents lower than it currently stands.

Though the lower prices are indicative of tough economic times, they will also certainly be a help to drivers who are looking to save money any way they can. The reduction will give consumers more money, which could help stimulate the economy.

"Everybody is helped when gasoline prices come down," Michael P. Niemira, chief economist for the International Council of Shopping Centers, told the Times.

While gas prices may be on their way down, that doesn't mean drivers shouldn't do their best to conserve fuel. One of the best ways to do so is for drivers to use cruise control whenever it's safe and turn off their car whenever idling.