Explaining Exactly What is Wrong with your Car can Save you Money!


You know your car better than anyone else. You will be able to feel it if there is something wrong with it. It is important that you note down each and everything whenever you feel something wrong or different with your car, no matter how small or silly, if you are serious about saving money in car repairs. If you notice a burning smell, note it down. If you notice a slight vibration in the steering wheel, note it down. If you hear a sound not associated with the normal functioning of your car, note it down. Also, note down when it happens, for instance, when you are going over a certain speed or climbing a hill, and so on. Note down how many times it happens as well. Keeping a log like this will help you to effectively communicate with the auto-mechanic whenever you take your car for repairs.

It is very important that you effectively communicate with your car mechanic. Agreed that he/she is much more knowledgeable about vehicles in general than you, however, the more information you could provide him/her about your car, the more efficient they will be able to work. You may think that a small clicking sound coming from the engine room may be too small or silly a reason to mention to the mechanic, but it may actually help to save you a lot of money. The reason why it is important to mention that small clicking sound is that, to the mechanic who deals with all kind of car problems day in and day out, that clicking sound may be significant. He/She may be able to directly go to the source of the problem, instead of working all around the problem and finally finding it.

You may visit New Jersey State Auto Auction to service your car or check out used cars and trucks.





New Jersey State Auto Auction

406 Sip Avenue

Jersey City, New Jersey 07306

Phone: 201.355.4138

Website: www.NJStateAuto.com