Distracting driving: Cell phones are just the tip of the iceberg, new study concludes

Prospective owners of used cars in New Jersey beware – distracted and unsafe drivers are all over the road. What they are looking at may actually surprise you.

The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center recently unveiled the top 10 driver distractions and found that cell phone use only accounts for 1.4 percent of the study.

The leading distraction for motorists is becoming obsessed things outside of the car, such as accidents, billboards or scenery. Many car crashes also occur when drivers take their eyes off of the road to adjust the radio, which is the second most frequent distraction in the survey.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has reported that driver inattention is a contributing factor in over 50 percent of all car crashes.

Authors of the study suggest that drivers pull off the road if they begin to daydream or if they need to use a cell phone for an extended conversation. Researchers also recommend that you don’t drive when you are agitated or tired.

Remember, limiting distractions is the first step toward safer travel.