Available car colors

Car Colors: Fact vs. Fiction

Car color matters. It’s part of the “wow” factor that attracts you to a car, and if you love the color of your car, walking through the parking lot and seeing it never loses its magic. However, there are some myths about different car colors that may make them less appealing to some. Here are the facts and fiction of car colors. Don’t let urban legends keep you from getting what you want!

      • Red cars are more expensive to insure: Fiction. Red car lovers, rejoice! If you’ve been dreaming of having a flashy red vehicle, don’t be deterred by the thought of rising insurance prices- car color has no effect on your rate.
      • Car color affects resale value: This is a mixed bag. For example, if you’re planning on reselling your vehicle a few years down the line, you might want to stick to something more conservative or popular, such as white or silver. It will be more difficult to attract someone who’s willing to buy a bright yellow car. However, at the ten year mark, the color stops having a high impact on the resale value.

“At the ten year mark, the color stops having a high impact on the resale value.”

      • Car color affects the car’s interior temperature: Fact. The interior of a black car was found to be about 10 degrees warmer than a white one. However, the difference is kept to a minimum thanks to advances in automotive materials, such as paint and glass, which can help with filtering sun. The interior color has a bigger impact on heat than the exterior.
        • Some vehicle colors are more visible than others: Fact. This is just a matter of a color’s place on a visibility index, but black cars are significantly more likely to be involved in accidents (especially at the dusk and dawn hours).

These are some of the most talked-about factors when shoppers are deciding on a car color at our Jersey City used car dealer. Stop by and see the range of colors we have- you’ll be impressed by our inventory!