Biofuels depot may help used car buyers be environmentally friendly

Those looking for used cars in New York may want to try out biodiesel conversions which may be more environmentally friendly, as a new facility may make it easier to be green.

A company in Massachusetts is offering a biodisel terminal that may give green-focused owners access to biodiesel without the need to figure out how to refine their own fuel from left over food products.

Baystate Biofuels says that by the end of May, it will have completed the first biodiesel terminal in Massachusetts, a facility that the company hopes will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from petroleum products by up to 78.5 percent.

“We are proud to be the greenest, most sustainable wet fuel distributor in the U.S., leveraging existing infrastructure to cut down on waste and minimize environmental impact,” said Dr Jesse Reich, Baystate Biofuels CEO.

Even those who aren’t considering biodiesel conversions, but may be looking at used cars in New York such as the diesel-powered Volkswagen Jetta TDi may benefit, since the facility plans to sell its biodiesel products to local refineries, as well as to local home heating oil suppliers.

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